Under Construction....Everywhere!

Posted by Gordita In The City Friday, October 14, 2011

I'm punching this out quickly as I blog from work. Actually to be specific, during nap time on my last day at my job as a Pre-school teacher as all the children emerge from their happy cocoons of sleep. I'm really sad and disappointed that I had to be laid-off. As a friend of mine pointed out, now doesn't look like a bright time to be a teacher, especially one that is trying to start out. I'm looking at each one of these kids, hushing them to sleep, wishing for my copy of "Go the F@@@@ to Sleep" to make it through the talking and breaks in my peace of mind. Each one of their young, short, and vibrant lives has taught me something. I'll detail that in another post because they are about to turn on the lights and break me out of my IPad reverie (I LOVE this thing!!!). I have tons on my mind between the future, Occupy Boston, thinking of Grad School, my upcoming trip to California the next few weeks, and my love life (hahaha nonexistent I know but that is a whole other musing)

I'm writing this to say that... Since my last blog post TONS of things in my life have changed, hence my neglect of this little personal project which I hope changes, evolves, and hopefully becomes more interesting as I advance towards that magic age that people like to call their thirties (I am officially a twenty-something now...ambiguous, but doesn't mention my true age).

Nonetheless, this blog is officially under re-construction, change, and hopefully innocent retooling.


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Bienvenidos! Hola! Orale! Welcome

Welcome to the rantings and ravings of a twenty-something Latina who just happens to have ADHD , enjoys the luxuries of working class life in urbania, and believes strongly that women (and men) need to stop using body size as an excuse not to live their lives...as for being a minority.... well I like it spicy and mixed.

At this blog, I rep the West Coast ::insert gang sign here:: while moonlighting as an East Coaster.
As you stumble around you will find a pretty wide variety of things: advice, anecdotes, recipes, and pretty much whatever spews forth from my multi-faceted life.
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