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Ah, the life a a broke, writer - the agony and the ecstasy  - In case you were interested - Here is a list of projects I have in the works. Keep an eye on this page for updates =)


Four Shirts - A young girl and her mother struggle to enter and reconcile the surreal world of her Grandfather's Alzheimer's and family secrets.

Llorona- When a young widow and her family are deported to Mexico during the Depression, where her eerie past and present collide amidst superstitious neighbors, an old love, and the mysterious deaths of her children.

Sex, Seuss, and Syringes - 2 heroin junkies, a nerd, and an old musician convene in an alley near the subway each night in relative peace - that is until things go hilariously wrong. 

Waiting For Fidel - Every Sunday a group of geriatric Cuban exiles gather at a small Miami cafe - praying, extolling, meeting, and living for the sole purpose of seeing Fidel Castro dead- a harrowing event forces the group has to evaluate a new meaning to life. 

Rosa of Birkenau - From the death camps of Nazi Europe to Buenos Aires - this play explores the complex 20 year relationship between a Sephardic Jew and her Germanic friend.


Gordita in The City: This one is self-explanatory - but trust me when I say its not auto-biographical

East of the River: A compilation of essays, short stories, and poetry about life and experience in East Los Angeles and the San Gabriel


More on this later...

Bienvenidos! Hola! Orale! Welcome

Welcome to the rantings and ravings of a twenty-something Latina who just happens to have ADHD , enjoys the luxuries of working class life in urbania, and believes strongly that women (and men) need to stop using body size as an excuse not to live their for being a minority.... well I like it spicy and mixed.

At this blog, I rep the West Coast ::insert gang sign here:: while moonlighting as an East Coaster.
As you stumble around you will find a pretty wide variety of things: advice, anecdotes, recipes, and pretty much whatever spews forth from my multi-faceted life.
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